Medical Question - What Are the Real Causes of Influenza?

Influenza caused by various viruses divided into three types designated A, B, C. The type A and B create the epidemics of respiratory illness that occur almost every winter and known as the hospitalization and death. While the type C, create infection usually causes either from a very mild respiratory illness or even in some case there is no symptom.
There are some ways that can be used to control the impact of viruses, especially for type A and B. The virus of influenza often changing continually over time which able to evade the immune system during its process. The process start with the infection by virus then develops antibodies against the virus.
When the viruses change, the prior antibody cannot recognize the new change of the virus. So the antibody failed to cure the new viruses and make the infection continue to grow. You may think that the first antibody created, it can provide partial protection against the infection, but the truth is almost all individuals have no antibodies that could recognize it immediately.
Type A viruses are divided into types based on differences in two viral surface proteins. The protein which is called as hemagglutinin and neuraminidase has its subtypes for each type. When they are spreading, the surface proteins can occur in many combinations.
During the spreading by droplets or direct contacts, if the virus is not killed by the immune system, it will replicates in the respiratory tract and damages the host cells. If some cases of people with immune compromised, the virus not only affecting the immune system but also able to increase the viral pneumonia or stress, this information can be found in medical question online. As the medical question, the individual system becomes more susceptible to bacterial infections especially pneumonia bacterial.
You will need to concern more about pneumonia because the type of viral and bacterial can cause severe disease and sometimes death. Furthermore if your body cannot recognize the virus causing the infection, it becomes serious problem. Then the vaccination is the major solution for viruses so people who are susceptible can be treated.

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